Neighbors First Community Forum 2024

Neighbors First Community Forum Cancelled

Due to unforseen circumstances, the Pass Democratic Club’s “Neighbors First Community Forum”, scheduled for tonight, January 24th at 6:30 pm has been cancelled. With focus on activities for this election year, the forums have been postponed to early 2025. We will keep you informed as planning resumes.


A FREE event on January 24, 2024 at 6:30pm via ZOOM LINK

The Pass Democratic Club is in the process of developing a legislative and programmatic platform that better connects the real-life concerns of Pass Area Democratic Voters with the club’s mission to promote the Democratic Party’s principles (see: ). To achieve this goal, the Club will be holding a series of monthly Forums, guided by the overarching theme of “Neighbors First”. This theme will be used to develop a Pass Area Platform focusing on local issues which can give our officials to a better understanding of Pass Democrat’s interests and thereby bring more effective representation and improvements to our quality-of-life.

For January 24th we are focusing on Transportation. California is experiencing a revolution in transportation.  The state is investing in ways that can transition the transportation sector to low-carbon fuels and zero and near-zero emission technologies, which will be critical to achieving climate change goals and clean air standards.  Also the ways that people move around are changing dramatically. The internet is giving people the means to communicate instantaneously.  What is the Pass Area doing to integrate these innovations into our local transportation system.

Meet us on January 24th to discuss this issue with your fellow neighbors.   Sharing your ideas and concerns with us is most valued.

We look forward to meeting with you on January 24th on ZOOM for an informal, interactive discussion.

Subsequent Forums will be held on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm until June 2024

Join Zoom Meeting

Call in: +1 669 900 6833 US

Meeting ID: 880 4032 5532

Passcode: 613515

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